

JR Finkelmeier

Chief Commercial Officer


Griffin Dixon

Field Engineer


Brett Stice

Vice President of Sales, PaceArt


Meet PaceMate® and learn how we’re transforming cardiac remote monitoring. We're here to answer your questions about the PaceArt acquisition and what’s next for your clinic, while also introducing you to PaceMateLIVE.


Key Takeaways
  • Meet PaceMate: Get to know who we are and how we’re committed to supporting your clinic’s success.
  • Behind the Scenes: Learn about the PaceArt acquisition and how it impacts your operations.
  • PaceMateLIVE Overview: Explore our cloud-based platform and see how real-time updates, automated billing, and custom alerts can simplify and optimize your workflows.
  • Live Q&A: Dive into the details of the PaceArt acquisition and discover how we can help streamline your clinic's operations and improve care delivery.

Schedule a personalized demo to explore how our platform can be customized to meet your clinic's specific needs.


Schedule a Demo